Create Account

Create a Ballistica account

By creating this account, you agree to the following terms:

  • You are a human creating this account for your own personal use
  • Your account may be suspended or terminated at any time for reasons including (but not limited to):
    • Attempts to gain competitive advantages through hacks, cheats, or other exploits
    • Toxic behavior towards other players
    • Lack of use (mainly applies to fresh accounts; accounts with any significant progress will not be auto-deleted without significant advance warning)
    • Illegal activity such as sharing of copyrighted files without the owner's consent
    • Any other reason deemed justified by the developer

Account Privacy Policy

  • Your email address and any other personal information will never be shared with third parties without your explicit consent
  • Purely game-related information such as your account tag and in-game statistics and achievements will be visible publicly
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